Our Background

Overview of Food and Beverage Industry

Indonesia Is An Attractive & Conducive Market For Various Industries.

The contribution of the food and beverage industry, including bottled water, to the GDP of the non-oil and gas industry is estimated at around 39.51 percent in the second semester of 2020.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the food and beverage sector managed to record positive year-on-year growth in 2020.
The Indonesian Food and Beverage Entrepreneurs Association (GAPMMI) projects this sector to grow by 7% in 2021.

The Association of Indonesian Beverage and Packaging Companies (ASPADIN) is optimistic that there will be greater volume growth in 2021 around +/- 6%.

Reference: www.statistic.kemendag.go.id

Plastic Material Recycling Business - RPET

The growth of the beverage industry itself, together with Indonesia’s large population, causes a large supply of plastic bottle waste. Multinational bottled drinking water brands, particularly those affiliated with the Packaging and Recycling Association (PRAISE), have initiated programs to support a circular economy, recycled business and free environment. The National Planning and Development Agency (BAPPENAS) has included the concept of implementing a circular economy in the 2020-2024 national mid-term development plan.

The following is an overview of supply and demand from the national plastic waste recycling business.